
0 – 24 Months

This room is built to have a homely feel to it with lots of comfortable and bright furniture. We aim to work together with the parents to meet the individual needs of our babies. Nappies, wipes, powdered milk and other facilities are advised to be provided to nursery so that our staff can ensure your baby’s individual needs and routine is being met. this room suits the exploring nestles use resources such as paints, play dough, messy play and physical activities to keep them busy. We aim to use natural resources so that they are building real life experiences.


2 – 3 Years

The nestlings are able to move up to flutters room from the age of 2 years and when the parent feels that the child is ready. This room is an open space and where children have 7 areas divided by the Early Years Foundation Stage. Our flutters are able to create their critical thinking skills, problem solving and creative skills throughout this room. We aim to support parents and children at this age with toilet training and ensure that it is consistent between home and nursery to give the toddler the best start to life. We begin to teach children to be able to make their own choices.


3 – 5 Years

Every 3 year old is entitled to 15 hours funding through the government per week during term time. This room is aimed to support pre-school children to gain skills and knowledge that will give them the best starting points to when they start their reception class. Our staff ensures that children are systematically being taught their phonics and mathematical skills alongside the rest of the Curriculum. The focus of this room is to ensure that children are able to have a classroom based feel to help them transition into school with ease. Staff will work in key groups with the flyers as well as individually to ensure that their individual targets are being met. We aim for our pre-school to be able to spread their wings and fly with ease when they get to school!